Thursday, August 14, 2008

Holy Reflex

Sometimes I have these dreams where the world cracks open like an egg, just splits wide open, one side pushes off from the other. Floating out violently and poetically into the vacuum of the dark space, people, objects, animals, soil, water, fire, all of the contents of the planet just moving away into the cold. Bobbing about like anthropological driftwood, easing out into unfathomable depth that is time.

All of the sudden everything that anybody has built, suffered through, or fought in the name of is gone. I like this dream. I love the egalitarian nature, I love how nobody can stop it, that it happens to every molecule. How the universe redeems and reclaims what God put into motion billions of years ago. How in the cosmic reality, our time as a civilization, as a world, as a people is just a quick blink of God's eye.

All of us on this earth are a holy reflex of the divine, each blink and each breath of God, is as important as the one just taken, and the one to come. God does not think about the next blink or the next breath. God is not thinking if the current breath is going to be equally unique than every other breath, or if the next movement of the eye will see the same thing. God knows that every movement, every breath, every moment will be a blessing, each as achingly beautiful as the one just experienced. God has held still, watched and breathed out of love. Only asking us to the same.


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